Dear Colleagues,
as the situation around novel coronavirus covid-19 continues to evolve,we are doing everything we can to ensure your safety and provide maximum flexibility, already now, 3 months before the event.
We are well prepared and can guarantee that the Terminology Summer School will take place from 1st to 4th July; in the unlike event that coronovirus is still an issue in July; as Live Online Conference.
The Centre of Modern Languages at Budapest University of Technology and Economics (BME), our host, is fully equiped with state-of-the art Online Tools so that you can follow the lectures and workshops online throughout the whole event.
Thus, your tss2020 registration fees does not only include access to online training material as soon as you register, along with monthly terminology group coaching for 12 months, but also, in case tss2020 has to be arranged as Online Conference, access to online participation in all the lectures and workshops of tss2020 including online materials and all recordings of the conference.
If you have any further questions, please have a look at www.termnet.eu [1]
or contact us at events@events.org [2] or under +43 664 344 6180.
Let us hope that the pandemie will be over soon, take care of yourself, your loved ones and your communities,
Wishing you all the very best,
Head of the TermNet Group
The International Terminology Summer School (TSS) has been initiated by TermNet’s sister organization Infoterm more than 25 years ago, and has since become a regular annual event, taking place in July in Europe.
It is our great honour to announce that the next TSS in 2020 will take place at our Centre in Budapest, Hungary, from 1st to 4th July 2020.
If you wish to
- participate in a one-week, practice-oriented training course for terminology management, with a special focus on TRANSLATION issues
- get a comprehensive, state-of-the-art insight into translation-oriented terminology managament,
- meet practitioners, professionals and scientists from all over the world,
- and acquire the ecqa Certificate for Terminology Managers
THEN Register here.
Super Early Bird for tss2020 is available now –
until 30th September 2019.
Get your incredible 25 per cent discount.
Benefit from a training course that will bring you to the next
level of professional terminology work and management.
Learn from your peers and leading terminology
And enjoy one of the most beautiful cities in the world.
For frequently asked questions (faqs) please check out
the TERMNET website.
Please feel free to forward this newsletter about tss2020
to your colleagues and friends.